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Inner Journey Weekly Workout
Volume 5 - #18 - May 3, 2001
Tips, Traps and Tools for Meaningful Growth
1. TRAP - Self-improvement
2. TIP - Acceptance
3. TOOL - Intuitive Resource List on Acceptance
5. SPONSOR - Smart Question Email Coaching - FREE sample
6. P.S. - What is your main pain/pleasure?
7. Share this material and inspiration with others
8. How to subscribe, unsubscribe and contact us
NOTE - Inner Journey subscribers have FREE access to a
workbook, empowerment gifts, articles and some intuitive
resource lists. Please visit
*** 1. TRAP - Self-improvement ***
At Higher Awareness, we strongly support personal growth but
we hesitate to use the term 'self-improvement.' Why? If you
think you need to improve yourself, it implies you believe
you are not good enough as you are. Deep down inside, do you
consider yourself to be unworthy, inadequate, unlovable,
foolish, undisciplined ...? No matter how we criticize
ourselves, the shame or fear from our negative attitude
drains our energy and disempowers us.
The need to be better also pulls our attention to the
future. We aren't good enough now, but maybe tomorrow ... In
our longings for a different future, we fail to appreciate
the gifts we have in this moment. Our lack of self-worth
limits our ability to live life fully.
*** 2. TIP - Acceptance ***
As unique expressions of the life force, each of us IS good
enough, just as we are. Any struggles we may be having in
our lives simply reflect the lessons we are learning. All of
us are struggling in our own ways. That's the process by
which we evolve, individually and as humanity.
Rather than resist and fight what we do not like about
ourselves, we can accept it. Acceptance does not mean
approval or agreement. As Nathaniel Branden says, "It means
experiencing, without denial or avoidance, that a fact is a
fact." Surprisingly enough, accepting the truth of who we
are right now brings relief as we honour reality. And
paradoxically, once we fully accept where we are, we are
then in a position to change. Branden says, "We are not
moved to change those things whose reality we deny." So
appreciate yourself, and use that energy of appreciation to
grow into being even more. Self-acceptance heightens our
*** 3. TOOL - Intuitive Resource List on Acceptance ***
Make a list of what you want to accept into your life. How
do you belittle yourself or others? These are areas for you
to accept and allow in your life.
Scan our list of 100 areas to accept into your life and pick
the top 7 that resonate with you. Then STOP and experience
the reality of each situation. You might say to yourself, "I
am now experiencing ... And I accept it fully." Allow your
feelings to be as they are. Accept the situation and move on.
Become a member of Higher Awareness and have access to over
60 resource lists and 14 workbooks for pennies per day. Let
us be your GROWTH PARTNER for more happiness and meaning in
your life.
*** 4. INSPIRATION ***
"We do ourselves a great disservice by judging where we are
in comparison to some final destination. This is one of the
pains of aspiring to become something: the stage of
development we are in is seen against the imagined landscape
of what we are striving for. So where we are -- though
closer all the time -- is never enough." -- Mark Nepo
"I'm not okay; you're not okay; and that's okay."
-- Virginia Satir
"Wherever you are is always the right place. There is never
a need to fix anything, to hitch up the bootstraps of the
soul and start at some higher place. Start right where you
are." -- Julia Cameron
"When we fight a block it grows stronger. When we
acknowledge, experience, and accept it, it begins to melt."
-- Nathaniel Branden
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection." -- Buddha
*** 5. SPONSOR - Smart Question Email Coaching ***
You need to ask the right questions. Questions you normally
don't ask yourself. Questions to get you thinking in new
ways and draw out YOUR answers.
Our Smart Questions get to the heart of what matters. They
challenge your assumptions, catch your blind spots, stretch
your thinking and help keep you balanced and on track. Pick
from 6 themes - getting control, block busting, developing
mind, opening to the divine, prosperity and balance.
Each email includes daily quotes to motivate and inspire you
and a quick coaching tip to inform and enlighten you. Take
the one minute per day that can change your life.
- Attain greater motivation, clarity, focus, meaning and
- Build discipline -- stay purposeful and efficient
- Develop your mind to achieve whole brain thinking
- Receive for FREE 2 weeks of Smart Question Coaching.
*** 6. P.S. What is your main pain/pleasure? ***
1. Your life is too busy, even chaotic. You are stressed,
scattered, indecisive and exhausted. You want more
control, results and peace of mind.
2. You feel anxious, fearful, resentful, depressed, angry or
in pain. You want more confidence, health and happiness.
3. You feel good about yourself and you want to live more of
your potential. You want more passion, creativity,
understanding and awareness.
4. Your life feels empty. It lacks purpose and meaning. You
want a deeper spiritual connection, purpose, fulfillment
and joy.
5. You have financial challenges - you're indebted, broke,
with no nest egg. You want security, self-sufficiency,
prosperity and financial freedom.
Higher Awareness has the right programs and lists to help
you get unstuck and move to the next step in your life. Are
you ready? We are ready to work with you.
By becoming a member of Higher Awareness, you have access to
ALL 14 programs and all resources. Join us at
*** 8. Share this material and inspiration with others ***
"Few are the giants of the soul who actually feel that the
human race is their family circle." -- Elizabeth Wray Taylor
Spread the word! Do you know someone who would find this
Inner Journey newsletter helpful? It's easy, just click on
this link.
*** 9. How to subscribe, unsubscribe and contact us ***
Copyright (c) 2001, all rights reserved. Permission is
granted to reproduce, copy or distribute THE INNER
JOURNEY as long as this copyright notice and full
information about contacting the authors is attached.
Contact John Robson and Patrice Steen by email at
Mail to:, or by phone at
780-462-2167 MST (GMT-7). You can also visit our
web site at:
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